Djetvai Chiropractic      416-964-8919

Your Second Visit To Our Bloor & Sherbourne Chiropractic Office

Your Second Visit To Our Bloor & Sherbourne Chiropractic OfficeAfter we study your health history and correlate our examination findings, we’ll make recommendations designed to help you get and keep your health. We call this the Report of Findings.

You and the doctor will discuss your individualized treatment plan.

We will address short- and long-term goals and answer the following questions:

  1. What is wrong?
  2. How can we treat it?
  3. How long will it take?
  4. How much it will cost?

This is usually attended to on your second visit, which may be later the same day or the following day. This two-visit approach accomplishes several things:

  • Reduces the length of your first visit
  • Gives us time to correlate our findings
  • Avoids overloading you with too much information

In certain situations, and in the professional judgment of the doctor, we sometimes make exceptions. It just depends on your unique situation.
